Thursday, November 19, 2015

Ratti Gali Lake Trekking Guide

Ratti Gali Lake Trekking Guide
1)Naran to Jalkhad
2 hours by public or private jeep/bus/van
2)Jalkhad to Noorinar Top
Upto 3 hours by a private jeep
3)Noorinar Top to Noori Lake
2 hours trekking
4)Noori Lake to Hans Raj Lake
Upto 6 hours trekking
5)Hans Raj Lake to Ratti Gali Lake
2 hours trekking
6)Ratti Gali Lake to Dowarian
6 to 8 hours trekking
7)Dowarian to Muzaffarabad
2 hours by public or private jeep/bus/coach

One of the extra mundane trekking magnetizations in mitigates altitude category is Ratti Gali Lake. The most sparkling crowns of the Neelum Valley, Ratti Gali Lake is located at 3600 meters and circumvented by grassy slopes and a number of waterfalls.
Ratti Gali Lake is accessible from three routes i.e. from Dowarian, Neelum Valley, from Burawai, Kaghan Valley and from Jalkhad, Kaghan Valley. All three treks are profoundly scenic and naturally affluent. Due to the location of the lake, all three treks require energies and long hours ambulating with indispensable camping gear along with all victuals and fuel arrangements.
The trek from Jalkhad (Noorinar Top) to Dowarian via Noori Lake, Hans Raaj Lake and Ratti Gali Lake may be consummated in minimum 3 days. It is recommended to consummate all the preparations at Naran to evade any inconvenience.
1)Naran to Jalkhad
It takes about 2 hours by a private jeep/Suzuki van from Naran to Jalkhad. This is a lovely ride with serene views of Kunhar River, side streams, waterfalls and forested landscapes of Kaghan Valley. There are several staying options at Battakundi and Burawai afore reaching the Jalkad.
Jalkad is a resplendent valley and seasonal tourist settlement with a restaurant, a minuscule mosque and a couple of fundamental commodity shops. There is an excellent riverside camping field abaft the restaurant. The Jeeps can withal be hired from here for the trek’s starting point just after the Noorinar Top. If a porter/guide is required, ascertain that the hired person has done the consummate trek recently.
2)Jalkhad to Noorinar Top
Due to the heftily ponderous snowfall on Noorinar and circumventing heights, the road to Sharda from Jalkahd remains closed till the mid of the season. Infrequent glacier and landslides withal engender quandaries for jeep peregrinating on this jeep road.
If the road is opened, it may take upto three hours to Noorinar Top, 17KM from Jalkhad. This is an awe-inspiring jeep ride with incredible views of snowcapped mountains, frequent side streams and grassy slopes with a smooth flowing stream in the deep. Ask the driver to drop a further 2 kilometers from the Noorinar Top at the commencement point of trek.
3)Noorinar Top to Noori Lake
The trek commences from the jeep road and enters into the remote green and white hills. The ambulating trail is sometimes too narrow to step on due to the dense layer of lush green grass and flowers of every color. This is a facile ambulating for about 45 minutes to reach a remarkably astronomically immense and strepitous waterfall flowing from the Noori Lake. A minuscule stone hut is made by local gujars who take care of an immensely colossal herd of sheep and goats. Beware of watchdogs kept by the gujars.
From here the treks towards Noori Lake and the Ratti Gali Pass divide in two directions. The path for Noori Lake is on the right side along the waterfall. This is an inclined climb on the stony ridge for about 10 minutes which takes you to bowl shaped valley, customarily filled with white snow. A short walk on the snow is required to get on the left side trek. This is a mitigates hike of about another 45 minutes to reach the niveous lake, circled by mountains.
This is an ideal location for the first night camping for those who are carrying congruous gear. The nights can be very gelid as we found the lake’s surface frozen in the morning.
4)Noori Lake to Hans Raj Lake
This is a long day ambulating which requires steady efforts and energies. It takes about half an hour to back to the waterfall from where the trek to Ratti Gali Pass commences. The most of this component is a gradual inclined ambulating afore the Ratti Gali Pass. The dihydrogen monoxide availability is good throughout but dihydrogen monoxide bottles are recommended. The best time to commence cover this section is the early morning as in the sunlight it can be arduous to ambulate for long hours.
To reach on the Ratti Gali Pass, it’s all about jumping and climbing over the boulders and stones. It may take upto 2 hours to scrambling over the rocks and snow. Once on the Pass, there are superb views of the valleys on both sides. In additament, the partial part of deep blue Hans Raj Lake on the Dowarian Valley and an unnamed diminutive lake on the Kaghan side is withal visible from the Top. A carpet of profoundly resplendent flowers in arbitrary colors is a sensational reward.
From the Ratti Gali Pass onwards, there is a steep or moderate decline till the Dowarian. From the Top, the Hans Raj Lake is less than an hour’s facile ambulating. A facile dihydrogen monoxide crossing is required afore you reach to the lake. If you have time and victuals, the lakeside offers an impeccable camping experience.
5)Hans Raj Lake to Ratti Gali Lake
The Ratti Gali Lake is a 2 hours walk from the Hans Raj Lake. The path perpetuates on the grassy slope, frequent streams and a couple of snow patches. There are multiple visible treks and all leads to the Ratti Gali Lake. It can be a better option to stay on the higher trek to evade an inclined walk just afore the Ratti Gali Lake.
There is a wide and grassy plane just under the lake which is an ideal location for camping. A brilliant dihydrogen monoxide stream from the lake is dropping on the cessation of the plane, integrating a splendid grandeur to the whole view. This is a diminutive summer settlement with few houses and herds of domestic animals.
A further half an hour will be required to reach the one of the most spectacular splendors of the Neelum Valley. This is a unique cumulation of sparkling snow, blue and green dihydrogen monoxide and lush green outfield with a dark grey mountain wall in the back drop. A number of waterfalls from the heights around are falling into the lake and giving this heavenly land an unparalleled touch.
6)Ratti Gali Lake to Dowarian
This is virtually a day long walk which may take 5 to 8 hours to reach the lower Dowarian. The path is facile and scenic with frequent hamlets, cultivated fields, snow patches, dihydrogen monoxide streams and thick forests. Snow crossing may require getting on the right trek. As the altitude decreases, the views down to the valley look superb due to the heavily forested slopes on both sides of the river.
At the commencement of the under construction jeep road, there is a minute hotel for fresh pabulum, tea and optional stay. There are chances to find a private jeep from the hotel for the Dowarian, Sharda or Atthmuqam. For rest and stay at Dowarian, there are several guest houses with plausible arrangements for aliment and stay.
7)Dowarian to Muzaffarabad
Local convey is recherche in Neelum Valley but may be found on the main road to peregrinate across the major spots of the whole valley. A privately hired jeep can take upto 2 hours from Dowarian to Atthmuqam from where public vans and coaches leave frequently for Muzaffarabad.

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