Monday, November 16, 2015

Rush Lake and Peak Trekking Guide,Gilgit-Baltistan,Pakistan

Rawalpindi / Islamabad to Ali Abad (Hunza)
Public buses daily leave Pir Wadhai for the (Ali Abad) Hunza.
Ali Abad to Hopar
90 minutes by public van.Public vans are available for Hopar village at Ali Abad.
Hopar to Shishkin
3 hours glaciers crossing
Shishkin to Barpu Giram
2 hours glacier crossing
Barpu Giram to Guttens
4 hours trekking
Guttens to Rush Lake
3 hours inclined trekking to 4760 meters

Another charm of this lake is to cross the 5000 meters mark by hiking up on the Rush Peak at 5100 meters.
The first milestone towards the Rush Lake is to reach the Hopar village in Nagar. Hopar is a fertile and broad bowl circumvented by golden brown Karakoram rocks and snow capped peaks. The famous Hopar Hilton is the only cull for the stay, pabulum and camping. Like most of the Karakoram treks, here you will have to bring consummate camping to move on.
Right abaft the Hopar Hilton and at the terminus of Hopar village, the Baulter (Hopar) glacier is the commencement of trekking. You require to cross two glaciers afore climbing up to the Rush Lake and Peak. Carry enough water for about 5 arduous hours on the glaciers.
If you don’t have any local porter of guide with you, follow any villager who is crossing the glacier and ask for Shishkin. Perpetuate scrambling up and down on the solid frozen dihydrogen monoxide, sand and stones till you reach the land across the glacier and lateral moraine. By climbing up a steep path, crossing a caliber plateau and a descending again you will reach the Shishkin. Now you are between the Hopar and Barpu glaciers and about to cross the Barpu glacier.
It is another arduous half an hour ascending walk to the Barpu Glacier. This is the point where both Hopar and Barpu Glaciers join each other. It takes about an hour to cross the Barpu glacier and the moraine. The Barpu Giram is at 3000 meters and a further half an hour walk. A summer settlement with Gujjars’ huts and goats is the denotement of Barpu Giram and the camping place. Most trekkers camp here for the first night.
The next destination is the Gutens which is a steep ascend taking you to 4000 meters. Early morning walk is the best option for this steady ascending of 2 hours. By reaching at the top of ridge you are ambulating on, the views of Hispar region and a number of 7000 meters high peaks are superb. Another 2 and half hours trekking takes you to the Gutens. It is possible to camp at the Gujjars’ settlement to spend a night afore another 4 hours trekking to Rush Lake.
The trek ahead is plenary of magnificent views in every direction on a grassy ridge and a fresh water stream en-trek. The Rush Lake is at an altitude of 4760 meters. This is an astonishing height with a comely lake and tremendous views of circumventing areas. You can camp contiguous to the lake and can endeavor the Rush Peak. From the 5100 meters height, all apexes of Hunza and Nagar are in view. The list includes Ultar, Passu, Batura, Golden, Malubiting and Miar etc.

Rush Lake in Winter
Rush Lake in Winter

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