Monday, November 16, 2015

Sheosar Lake Trek Guide,Gilgit-Baltistan,Pakistan

Sheosar Lake withal called Shausar Lake is a lake situated in Deosai National Park, in Gilgit-Baltistan province of northern Pakistan.
The lake is at an elevation of 4,142 metres (13,589 ft) in the Karakoram-West Tibetan Plateau alpine steppe. Its approximate length is 2.3 kilometres (1.4 mi), width 1.8 kilometres (1.1 mi), and average depth is 40 metres (130 ft).

Located at an altitude of 4100 meters in this lake is accessible from Astore and Skardu. DeoSai is one of the highest plateaus; spreading over 3000 square kilometers and nowhere below 4000 meters. The lake is at the Astore side of Deo Sai and one and half hour jeep drive from Chilam. From Astore to Sheosar Lake , a jeep customarily takes 4 to 5 hours. From Skardu, it may take about 8 hours by crossing the Deo Sai plateau. A jeep safari from Satpara Lake in Skardu is the most expeditious option for Deo Sai. A steep zig-zag road enters into DeoSai at Ali Malik Pass. Several dihydrogen monoxide crossings, picturesque bridge at Barra Pani and illimitable grassy plains are the other rewards afore reaching the Sheosar Lake.
Designations in Local Language (Shina)
Sheosar Lake betokens ‘Blind Lake’, as ‘Sheo’ in Shina Language denotes ‘Blind’ and ‘Sar’ betokens ‘Lake’.
Routes towards Sheosar Lake
The lake is accessible through two routes. One is via Skardu and the other via Astore District.
Skardu Route towards Sheosar Lake
The road through Skardu can be covered by jeep in few hours, however, if trekked, it can take 2 days time.
Astore Route towards Sheosar Lake
Second route emanates from Astore District. From main Astore town, it takes about 4 hours’ jeep peregrinate through a semi-metal road to reach Chilim, the last residential area adjacent to the plains.
Best Time to Visit Sheosar Lake
Between the months of November to May the whole area of Deosai is snow bound. However, the area is plenary of natural comeliness during Spring and Summer Season. During spring, the whole circumventing gets covered with wide variety of colorful flowers and butterflies. The best time of visiting this comely lake is in summer between June to early September.

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